Transforming marketing using AI and data

Marketing has gone through massive disruption, because technology is changing our lives in terms of (worldwide) communication, and we can now use computers as they were humans. Are you aware, that user experience optimization, digital ad campaigns, sales forecasting and personalization play a key role in nowadays marketing?Fill in the form to find out in […]

Why is AI important for your business?

As AI progresses and becomes more widespread, people’s perceptions of it keep changing. We couldn’t be happier that artificial intelligence has now entered every part of our lives! The AI tsunami has leveled everything, from individual lives to large and small businesses, by assisting them in expanding, making better decisions, and enhancing management. But this […]

4 ways AI can help optimize your product development project

As the digital revolution affects the fundamental way any organization is run, artificial intelligence is one of the most important breakthroughs to keep an eye on. While the technology is still being polished and expanded, it has already made an impact in a variety of industries, with astonishing outcomes. Not to sound too far-fetched, AI […]

The ultimate “cheat sheet” to data-driven transformation for businesses!

What factors should businesses take into account when designing a data-driven transformation strategy? There is no denying that data has enormous value, and almost every organization has launched a high-profile push toward data-driven transformation initiatives, by examining the potential hidden in their data vaults as a means of gaining – and staying – ahead of […]

Are you wondering why most companies fail in applying AI to their use cases?

It is no surprise that artificial intelligence is the toast of any tech-powered corporate enterprise. Organizations are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) for its revolutionary potential to leverage the value chain. Regardless of how business-friendly AI appears to be, many organizations have had a difficult time implementing it. According to the latest findings from Deloitte’s 2017 […]

Why do most analytical and business intelligence solutions end up not getting widely adopted?

Why do most analytical and business intelligence solutions end up not getting widely adopted? The right analytics and business intelligence (A&BI) solution can be one of your most valuable competitive advantages because they are supposed to help all employers embrace data analytics and become data-driven. Organizations that use customer analytics extensively, for example, are 23 […]

How to compare stores and their performance if underlying store preconditions differ

How to compare stores and their performance if underlying store preconditions differ Every country in today’s world has a plethora of retailers and stores. While some of these establishments are in bustling shopping districts in major cities, others can be found in small towns and villages. Let us consider the following scenario: Let us assume […]

Data-driven decision making – why platform businesses are great role models to learn from

Data-driven decision making (DDM) is a broad term that involves several related approaches. It can be thought of as the application of statistical methods to improve decision making. Some of the approaches are statistical decision analysis, meta-analysis, neural network approaches or decision logic programming just to name a few. The more specialized and general approaches […]

Microsoft Azure – Get started in 4 easy steps!

Microsoft Azure – Get started in 4 easy steps! It is a known fact that cloud computing’s popularity has surged to unprecedented heights. Plus, there is more! Forecasters like Gartner have also given cloud computing a thumbs up, signaling that it is here to stay. Given that Microsoft Azure is one of the dominant cloud […]