Navigating your way to the Cloud

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In this post we will talk about what ‘cloud computing’ is, what it entailshow it works and of course also answer the question of what the mechanism behind it is. Despite the fact that cloud computing appears to be a simple term, many of us are perplexed by its meaning and uninformed of its full potential because it encompasses such a vast spectrum of technology and services. It’s past time to put cloud computing to rest once and for all. We’ll try to understand the notion of cloud computing in this post, which will include a basic definition and description of how it works, as well as the philosophy that underpins it.  t.

A Basic Definition of Cloud computing

The use of off-site technology to assist computers store, manage, process, and/or communicate information is known as cloud computing. Instead of being stored on your computer or other local storage, these off-site solutions are hosted in the cloud (or on the internet). They can range from email servers to software programs, data storage, and even enhancing the computing capability of your machine. In simple terms cloud computing is  the delivery of on-demand computing services, such as applications, storage, and processing power, through the internet and on a pay-as-you-go basis. The term “cloud” simply refers to the internet. Computing refers to the infrastructure and mechanisms that enable a computer to run, produce, deploy, and interact with data.

There is a historical context for cloud computing 

The term “cloud computing” has been around since the early 2000s, although the concept of “computing-as-a-service” extends back to the 1960s, when computer bureaus offered businesses the option of renting rather than buying mainframe time. The emergence of the PC, which made owning a computer much more cheap, and subsequently the rise of corporate data centers, which allowed organizations to store massive amounts of data, completely eclipsed these ‘time-sharing’ services. However, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the concept of renting access to computer power reappeared in the form of application service providers, utility computing, and grid computing. Cloud computing gained traction thanks to the development of software as a service and hyperscale cloud computing firms like Amazon, Microsoft and Google, to name a few.

How does cloud computing work: The front end, the back end and the network 

To gain a deeper understanding of what cloud computing is and how it works, we must first understand it’s architecture. This will help us visualize the machanism behind cloud computing. For this purpose, the cloud computing components would be divided into two portions: thus the front end component and the back end component. The front end is the element of the application that allows users to access data from the Internet. Computers, computer networks, software, and any other means by which clients gain access to the cloud computing system fall under this category. While on the back end, you’ll find all of the components needed for cloud computing services. This is the side of the cloud computing provider. Servers, computers, data storage systems, programs, and other gear and software required to provide various cloud computing services are included. The cloud computing infrastructure houses a variety of applications. The internet acts as a network – which is what connects the front end and the back end. It serves as a link between clients and the cloud. The components, functions, and processes of the cloud computing system are summarized by the front end, back end, and the  network.

Credit: think IT solutions

Models of cloud computing

There are three different cloud computing models available. These are Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). 

Infrastructure-as-a-Service model: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) refers to basic computing components such as physical or virtual servers, storage, and networking that can be rented. This form of cloud computing is suitable for enterprises who want to design their own programs and have practically complete control over all of the components, but orchestrating them requires technical skill. 

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): The next layer up is Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), which contains the underlying storage, networking, and virtual servers. Middleware, database management, operating systems, and development tools are just a few examples of the tools and technologies that developers will need to build applications on top of. 

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is the delivery of applications-as-a-service, and it’s arguably the type of cloud computing that most people are familiar with. The end user, who will access the service via a web browser or app, is unconcerned about the underlying hardware and operating system; it is frequently purchased on a per-seat or per-user basis.

A Cloud on the rise 

According to IDC data, building the infrastructure to support cloud computing currently accounts for more than a third of all IT spending worldwide. Meanwhile, traditional in-house IT investment continues to decline as computing workloads migrate to the cloud, whether through vendor-provided public cloud services or private clouds established by businesses themselves. 

Global cloud services investment will reach $260 billion this year, up from $219.6 billion last year, according to Gartner. It’s also rising faster than forecasted by analysts. 

In addition, according to 451 Research, over a third of company IT investment this year would go into hosting and cloud services, “showing an increasing reliance on external sources of infrastructure, application, management, and security services.” Gartner expects that by 2021, 50% of all worldwide organizations using the cloud will have gone all-in.


Globally, business and IT leaders are moving to the cloud to replace old on-premises equipment with more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective computing capability.There are a variety of compelling reasons to embark on a migration journey, ranging from cost savings to enhanced creativity. However, transferring to the cloud without a well-thought-out strategy, a dependable cloud service provider, and cloud experience is challenging. If any of the above resonates with you, I’ll introduce you to one of the top cloud service providers in my upcoming post… 

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