The future of AI in digital marketing and sales

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The world has witnessed a great deal of technological advancement. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly influencing many aspects of modern life, including the usage of smart gadgets, chatbots, and even self-driving cars. As the world gains a deeper knowledge and understanding of AI’s promise and potentials, it is no wonder that companies of all sizes are seeking for innovative ways to boost their profits. As a result, the AI field is becoming more defined being part of the new normal.


Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Remember the several scenarios in movies about human-like machines wreaking devastation on Earth? Yes, we do, too and the reason why the majority of people might immediately think of robots when hearing about.

This, however, could not be any further from the truth. AI is the simulation of human intelligence in robots that have been trained to think and act like humans. The phrase can also refer to the imitation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems. Learning, reasoning, and self-correction are examples of these processes. Artificial Intelligence is categorized in a variety of ways. The first divides AI into two categories: weak AI and strong AI. Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is a type of artificial intelligence that is built and educated for a specific task. Strong AI, often known as artificial general intelligence, is an AI system that has generalized human cognitive abilities so that when given an unknown task, it has enough intelligence to find a solution. Expert systems, speech recognition, and machine vision are examples of AI applications.

Why is AI gaining popularity in the corporate world?

As a result of technological advancements aimed at boosting organizations’ operational and customer offerings, AI adoption is projected to continue apace. By mimicking cognitive functions such as visual perception, speech recognition, language understanding, learning, reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving, AI represents the evolution of traditional computing devices and applications into those capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. The pursuit of sophistication and refinement of existing technologies has prepared the way for the advancement of AI in the business world; further, AI technology is changing and altering the way businesses is conducted across several industrial segments. AI is infiltrating every aspect of corporate operations, from workflow management to trend forecasting and the creation of new business prospects. It is already assisting businesses in areas such as improving customer experience, optimizing logistics, automating workloads, predicting performance, preventing outages, increasing manufacturing efficiency and output, managing, and analysing data, predicting consumer behaviour, and improving marketing and advertising efforts.

How has marketing and sales evolved in the age of artificial intelligence?

Living in the digital age, AI is rapidly penetrating industries and activities, including the Digital Marketing industry and according to Smart Insights, 55% of 100 senior marketers from various industries are utilizing or considering adopting AI in their marketing activities.

Let us look at how AI is changing the traditional marketing landscape:

Understand your customers: AI-enabled chatbots and virtual assistants are likely to replace traditional call centre professionals in customer service. These devices can enable automated calls/chat for client engagement, supporting businesses in developing client loyalty. Furthermore, marketers are better able to comprehend their clients’ needs thanks to the data obtained through these processes. This can aid in the creation of customer profiles, making the process of identifying consumers interested in purchasing a product or service much easier.

Do not go with the trend – be the trend: Unlike in the past, when marketers had limited foreknowledge of what was to come in the near future and were regularly hit by financial disasters resulting in large financial losses, today’s marketers have a better awareness of what is to come. Thanks to AI and its technology, marketers can now study and analyses large volumes of data which they may use to predict future trends through real-time dialogues.

Forecasting sales: Marketers can now use AI in digital marketing to collect data on previous transactions. This technology will examine data collected from meetings, emails, phone conversations, and other sources. It can link sales projections for current and future promotions to the data collected.

What is the future of Artificial Intelligence in digital marketing and sales?

Because AI breakthroughs show no indications of slowing down anytime soon, this is an important subject to think about. More so since many individuals and businesses are heavily investing in artificial intelligence to improve their business processes. From a marketing standpoint, the area with the most potential for efficiency improvement in marketing is the creative side. Working with difficult-to-manage visual assets with minimal “data” attached poses several challenges. However, as AI advances, its certain that we will see significant gains in how AI can assist marketing teams in making the most of their imagery.

Here are two predictions about how artificial intelligence will improve visual marketing:

Change is a constant for all of us who aim at growth– and in a world where we are overwhelmed by information, entertainment, and visual sensations, it can be tough to stand out. As a result, product branding, acquisitions, and new launches are all important aspects of marketing. This might be a major burden for marketing and creative teams, who are responsible for updating all forms of content, such as web pages, PDFs, and printed materials. This is not only time consuming, but it also puts the organization at risk of human error, which can lead to market confusion and brand damage. However, as AI learns to read design files like InDesign and Photoshop, AI models will soon be able to learn to make these kinds of alterations on the fly.

Personalization of content is a well-known AI use case that many marketers employ these days. Based on their data, history, and interests, AI systems can predict which pieces of content would resonate with each client and then provide that content to them. While this is true for blog posts, videos, eBooks, and other text-based content, content personalization for photos is still a work in progress.

In the coming years, this is likely to alter. Artificial intelligence has recently had a significant impact on photographs, allowing for the automatic labelling of photographs with important information such as object, colour, and word identification. There is no reason why an AI model could not surface photos in each customer’s favourite style, colours, and so on using these new bits of data and when connected to a digital asset management system, the AI model will be able to select any image in the company.

Ready to embrace the future of AI in digital marketing and sales for your business?

We have already seen how chatbots are being used for a variety of purposes, ranging from simple customer support to sales. Because of the growing popularity of virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, consumers are already familiar with chatbots and feel comfortable conversing with them. Furthermore, chatbots have advanced to the point where they might be impossible to identify from actual people. Two-thirds of customers are unaware that they are currently dealing with AI tools.

Moreover, Big Data is already here, and it is only going to get bigger. The amount of data we collect is growing at an exponential rate, and as the Internet of Things evolves, bringing more devices online every day will only continue to grow. While machine learning algorithms are helping us acquire more data, there is still a lot we can do with it. AI is fast catching up to the volume of data being generated, allowing us to make greater use of the data we collect.

Lastly, digital marketers may access vast databases of data on buyer demographics using AI and similar technologies. Marketers save money and time by using this strategy, which not only allows them to reach their target customers faster and for less money, but also increases conversion rates.

The question remains: Are you prepared to accept AI’s future in digital marketing and sales for your business? Do you want to carve a niche for yourself in your industry?

Get started with AI if your answer is yes and leave us a comment to link up with our data experts.

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